Where to buy After Effects CS5

August 1st, at I wish to Effwcts a CS4 for my mac. September Where to buy After Effects CS5, at Effecta mean: the exe at Where to buy After Effects CS5 is the first i click? The challenge is, once a new release Aftre out, Adobe no longer AutoCAD Architecture 2011 for sale sells the older version with one exception. We hope you enjoy the newsletter and your free Adobe books The good news is that, as a student, you likely qualify for a serious discount on Creative Cloudwhich the rest of us would be thrilled to get! Thanks for subscribing! September 12th, at And we strongly advise against trying to buy dated Adobe software from anywhere else — it all-too-often leads to heartache or worse! Thanks for the tip! September 13th, at Prior-version software is available via Electronic Software Delivery [download from Adobe]. The program member must follow all guidelines of the current-version EULA. That is true.Where to buy After Effects CS5